September 16, 2020 Wednesday

Foreign Economic and Trade News (2024.05)

Source: Legal Affairs Department of Shenzhen Municipal Trade Promotion Commission Release time: 2024-05-20

  The White paper on the State of Intellectual Property Protection in China in 2003 was officially released

  Recently, the White paper on the State of Intellectual Property Protection in China in 2003 (hereinafter referred to as the "White Paper") was officially released。The white paper introduces the progress and achievements of China's IPR protection in 2023 from five aspects: protection effectiveness, system construction, approval and registration, cultural construction, and international cooperation。

  In terms of protection effectiveness, the energy efficiency of judicial and administrative protection has been continuously improved, and the national courts have received 46 new cases of first instance of intellectual property rights.A total of 220,000 cases were investigated and arrested by procuratorial organs nationwide, 7,049 cases of intellectual property infringement, and 40,000 cases of intellectual property infringement and production and sale of fake and inferior commodities were initiated by public security organs nationwide.Focusing on key areas and key links, we organized and carried out a number of special actions for administrative law enforcement。In 2023, the social satisfaction score of China's intellectual property protection increased to 82.04 points, another record high。

  Institutional construction,The legal system of intellectual property rights has been continuously improved,About 20 laws, regulations and rules on intellectual property rights were formulated, revised and promulgated throughout the year,We formulated, revised and improved two judicial interpretations on intellectual property protection,About 30 normative documents and policy documents related to intellectual property protection have been issued,Positive progress was made in local comprehensive legislation。

  In terms of approval and registration, the number of approval and registration of intellectual property rights generally maintained growth, and by the end of 2023, the effective number of Chinese invention patents was 499.60,000, an increase of 18.5%;The number of valid registered trademarks in China is 4,614.640,000, an increase of 8.1%。Total annual copyright registrations are 892.390,000, an increase of 40 percent.46%。A total of 2,508 geographical indication products have been approved for protection。In 2023, 14,278 applications for new varieties of agricultural plants were accepted, an increase of 27 percent year-on-year.5%, accepted 1,906 applications for new varieties of forest and grass plants, and authorized 915。

  Cultural construction,Continue to tell good intellectual property stories,Strengthen the concept of intellectual property culture,The State Council Information Office held a policy briefing on important events such as the release of the implementation rules of the newly revised Patent Law,Eight reports, including the Status of China Customs' Intellectual Property Protection in 2022, were released,Several departments issued annual typical cases of intellectual property protection。

  International cooperation,China has been deeply involved in global intellectual property governance,Actively promote the consultation process of the Diplomatic Conference on Design Law treaties, Intellectual Property Rights and Genetic Resources,We will earnestly implement the China-Eu Agreement on the Protection and Cooperation of geographical Indications,Host the 50th Anniversary of Cooperation between China and the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) and the Publicity Week,We will continue to strengthen customs enforcement cooperation with the EU, Russia, Japan, South Korea and other countries (regions)。

  Since 1998, China has published the annual White Paper on IPR protection for more than 20 consecutive years, which has become an authoritative material to demonstrate the Chinese government's firm stance on strict IPR protection and help people at home and abroad understand the status of IPR protection in China。

  (Source: State Intellectual Property Office)

  Import declaration operations in Brazil will be moved to a single foreign trade portal

  According to the Foreign Trade Secretariat of the Brazilian Ministry of Development, Industry, Trade and Services and the Brazilian Federal Tax Agency recently announced,Since October this year,Brazil import declaration business will be moved from Siscomex LI/DI system to a single foreign trade portal for Single Import Declaration (Duimp),The Siscomex LI/DI system is expected to be completely retired by the end of 2025。

  The creation of the single foreign trade portal, which aims to simplify declarations and increase the efficiency of trade procedures, will save the private sector time and costs, improve public administration and improve the business and investment climate in Brazil。

  (Source: Trade Window, Consulate General in Rio de Janeiro)

  WTOContinue to delay the implementation of digital trade tariffs

  During the 13th Ministerial Conference in ABU Dhabi, the World Trade Organization (WTO) extended the moratorium on digital trade tariffs for another two years, at which point the moratorium will end。

  Brief overview

  A tariff moratorium on e-commerce has been in place since 1998。It was originally proposed as a temporary measure, but has since been extended at every ministerial meeting。This measure prevents WTO members from imposing tariffs on digital goods and services, thereby promoting innovation and accessibility in the digital sector。

  Wto members recently agreed to extend the moratorium, despite strong opposition from countries such as India, Indonesia and South Africa。The extension period will last until the next Ministerial meeting or March 31, 2026, whichever is earlier。The move will provide short-term certainty and stability for businesses in a rapidly evolving digital environment。

  The extension of the moratorium comes at a time of slow progress in wide-ranging negotiations on electronic commerce within the WTO。The future of the moratorium extended after two years remains uncertain。There are ongoing discussions on the practicalities of digital tariffs, which will play a key role in shaping the future of digital trade while negotiations continue at the WTO。


  The extension of the WTO tariff moratorium on digital trade provides temporary relief for digital businesses and sets the stage for further discussions on the role of digital trade in the global economy。As the future of the ban remains uncertain beyond the two-year extension, it is recommended to begin assessing the potential impact on business following the lifting of the tariff ban。

  (Source: South Asian Standards Study and Chengdu Technology Trade Measures)

  Cambodia plans to introduce a development policy in the field of electric vehicles

  The Puzhai Financial Policy Committee recently held a meeting, chaired by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance and Economy Ampon Monira, to discuss the draft content of the "Development Policy in the field of Electric Vehicles (2024-2028)" to further improve the content and submit to the Cabinet for consideration and approval。

  According to the Ministry of Finance and Economy, the above policy is designed to seize the opportunities brought by the global electric vehicle sector, better respond to technological development and innovation, and in line with Cambodia's goal of achieving carbon neutrality by 2050。

  The Ministry of Finance and Economy pointed out that through the implementation of the above policies, the Cambodian government hopes to transform Cambodia into a country that maximizes the application of electric vehicle technology and opportunities, thereby driving sustainable economic development, promoting social and economic growth and improving people's income。The new policy will adhere to three principles: to ensure that the development of electric vehicles does not disrupt existing economic, social and people's welfare;Meet environmental, social and governance conditions;To ensure adequate national energy。

  In addition, at the request of the Ministry of Public Works and Transport and the Ministry of Mines and Energy, the World Bank recently completed a study to advise on Cambodia's EV policy。In order to achieve the goal of carbon neutrality, Cambodia has set an "ambitious plan" to increase the number of electric vehicles from about 1,000 now to more than 750,000 by 2030 (70% of which are electric motorcycles).。In 2050, the number of electric vehicles will increase to 8.8 million, of which electric motorcycles will account for 70% of the total number of motorcycles, while electric vehicles and electric buses will account for 40% of similar vehicles。

  In December 2021, the Cambodian government submitted a carbon neutral long-term development strategy to the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), promising to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, and if the "electric mobility transition" fails, carbon neutrality will become "empty talk".。

  (Source: Economic and Commercial Office, Embassy of the Kingdom of Cambodia)
