September 16, 2020 Wednesday

【365买球软件】中共中央政治局召开会议 分析研究当前经济形势和经济工作 Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting

Information source: "Learning Power" learning platform Release time: 2023-07-25

  新华社北京7月24日电 中共中央政治局7月24日召开会议,分析研究当前经济形势,部署下半年经济工作。Xi Jinping, General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee, presided over the meeting。

  The meeting held that,Since this year,Under the strong leadership of the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core,All regions and departments should better coordinate the domestic and international overall situation,Better coordinate epidemic prevention and control with economic and social development,Better balance development and security,The national economy has continued to recover, and the overall recovery is good,Solid progress was made in high-quality development,Industrial upgrading has accumulated steadily,Food and energy security has been effectively ensured,The overall social situation remains stable,This has laid a good foundation for achieving the annual economic and social development targets。

  The meeting pointed out that the current economic operation is facing new difficulties and challenges, mainly due to insufficient domestic demand, the operation of some enterprises is difficult, there are many risks and hidden dangers in key areas, and the external environment is complex and severe。After a steady turn in epidemic prevention and control, economic recovery is a process of wavy development and tortuous progress。China's economy has great resilience and potential for development, and its long-term sound fundamentals remain unchanged。

  Conference emphasis,We will carry out economic work in the second half of the year,We must adhere to the general principle of seeking progress while maintaining stability,Implement the new development concept in a complete, accurate and comprehensive manner,We will accelerate the building of a new pattern of development,Comprehensively deepen reform and opening up,We will intensify macro-policy regulation,We worked hard to expand domestic demand, boost confidence and guard against risks,We will continue to improve economic performance, strengthen internal driving forces, improve public expectations, and defuse hidden risks,We will promote effective qualitative improvement and reasonable quantitative growth of the economy。

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to make good use of policy space, identify the direction of force, and solidly promote high-quality economic development。We will carry out macroeconomic regulation with precision and force, and strengthen counter-cyclical regulation and policy reserve。We will continue to implement a proactive fiscal policy and a prudent monetary policy, extend, optimize, improve and implement the policy of reducing taxes and fees, give full play to the role of aggregate and structural monetary policy tools, and vigorously support scientific and technological innovation, the real economy, and the development of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises。We will keep the RMB exchange rate basically stable at an appropriate and balanced level。We need to invigorate the capital market and boost investor confidence。

  The meeting stressed that it is necessary to actively expand domestic demand, give play to the basic role of consumption in driving economic growth, expand consumption by increasing household income, drive effective supply through terminal demand, and organically combine the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply-side structural reform。We need to boost consumption of automobiles, electronic products, home furnishings and other major items, and promote consumption of sports, leisure, cultural tourism and other services。We will give better play to the role of government investment in driving growth and speed up the issuance and use of special bonds by local governments。We will formulate and introduce policies and measures to promote private investment。We will take a combination of measures to stabilize the basic level of foreign trade and foreign investment。We need to increase international flights to ensure the stability and smooth operation of China-Europe freight trains。

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to vigorously promote the construction of a modern industrial system, accelerate the cultivation and expansion of strategic emerging industries, and create more pillar industries。We should promote the deep integration of the digital economy with advanced manufacturing and modern service industries, and promote the safe development of artificial intelligence。It is necessary to promote the healthy and sustainable development of platform enterprises。

  The meeting stressed that it is necessary to continue to deepen reform and opening up, adhere to the "two unswerving", effectively improve the core competitiveness of state-owned enterprises, and effectively optimize the development environment of private enterprises。We must resolutely crack down on arbitrary charges, fines and assessments, and solve the problem of government arrears in payments to enterprises。It is necessary to establish and improve the normal communication mechanism with enterprises, encourage enterprises to dare to venture, dare to invest, dare to take risks, and actively create markets。We should support conditional pilot free trade zones and free trade ports in integrating high-standard international economic and trade rules, and promote reform and opening up first and foremost。We need to make the third Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation a success。

  The meeting pointed out that it is necessary to effectively prevent and defuse risks in key areas, adapt to the new situation of major changes in the supply and demand relationship of China's real estate market, adjust and optimize real estate policies in a timely manner, and make good use of the policy toolbox to better meet the rigid and improved housing needs of residents, and promote the steady and healthy development of the real estate market。We will increase the construction and supply of government-subsidized housing, actively promote the renovation of urban villages and the construction of dual-use public infrastructure, and put all types of idle real estate to good use。We will effectively guard against and defuse local debt risks, and formulate and implement a package plan for reducing local debt。We will strengthen financial regulation and steadily promote the reform of high-risk small and medium-sized financial institutions to make them more risky。

  The meeting stressed that it is necessary to increase efforts to ensure people's livelihood, take stable employment into consideration at a strategic height, firmly implement the bottom line of the "three guarantees" at the grass-roots level, and expand the middle-income group。We will strengthen the protection and quality of cultivated land, consolidate and expand our achievements in poverty alleviation, and comprehensively promote rural revitalization。We must resolutely prevent the occurrence of major safety accidents and ensure the supply of energy and power for the peak summer。

  Conference notes,要以学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想365买球软件为契机,Educate and guide Party members and cadres to firmly establish a correct view of political performance,Better stimulate the enthusiasm of officers to start businesses,Let outstanding cadres who have the courage to take responsibility and are good at overcoming difficulties stand out and make more contributions,We made new progress in promoting high-quality development with a new outlook and new actions。

  The meeting also examined other matters。
