September 16, 2020 Wednesday

【365买球软件】Xi Jinping:We will improve the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party 推动新时代党的建设新的伟大工程向纵深发展

Source: Seeking Truth, No. 12, 2023 Release time: 2023-06-16

  We will improve the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party

  We will promote the great new project of Party building in the new era to develop in depth

  Xi Jinping

  To promote Party building as a great project and always adhere to the principle and policy of the Party to manage the Party and strictly govern the Party is a major initiative of our Party and a magic weapon for building the Party, building the country and strengthening the Party。Looking back on the Party's 100-plus years of history, the Party has united and led the people in continuing the struggle, and the Chinese nation has ushered in a great leap forward from standing up, getting rich, and becoming strong. This great leap forward is not only a great cause of transforming society, but also a great project of transforming itself。Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC, we have made comprehensive and strict Party governance a distinct theme of Party building in the new era. We have put forward a series of innovative ideas, implemented a series of reform practices, and improved a series of systems and norms to promote the continuous deepening of the great project of Party building, and have initially established a system of comprehensive and strict Party governance。


  Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, Chinese President and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC), delivers an important speech at the second plenary session of the 20th CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection (CCDI) on Jan 9, 2023。Photo by Zhang Ling, Xinhua News Agency

  Building a comprehensive and strict Party governance system is an overall and pioneering work。In the decade of the new era, our Party has continuously deepened its understanding of the law of self-revolution, constantly promoted theoretical, practical, and institutional innovation in Party building, and accumulated rich results in building a system of comprehensive and strict Party governance。We regard political building of the Party as the fundamental building of the Party,Always in the first place,Uphold and strengthen the leadership of the Party,We will seriously conduct intra-party political activities,Purify and repair the political ecosystem,Promote the whole Party to enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidence", and achieve the "two safeguards",Close solidarity around the Party Central Committee,To achieve Party solidarity and unity。We take ideological development as the fundamental building of the Party, solidize our hearts and cast our souls with the thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, carry forward the great spirit of Party building, and continue to carry out centralized education within the Party, so that Party members and officials can replenish their spiritual calcium and uphold the spiritual home of Communists。We put forward and adhere to the Party's organizational line in the new era,Focus on the construction of organizational system,Strengthen the political and organizational functions of Party organizations,We will rectify weak and lax Party organizations,We will promote the all-round progress and perfection of Party organizations at all levels,Adhere to the principle that the Party exercises control over cadres,We will uphold the standards for good cadres in the new era,Focus on cultivating a loyal, clean and responsible team of high-quality cadres。We started with the formulation and implementation of the eight-point Central Committee Regulations,The spirit of driving nails to correct the "four Winds",We will resolutely oppose the idea and phenomenon of privilege,Tread on the stone leaves a mark, grasp the iron has a mark,We have put a stop to some undesirable trends that have not been put on hold for a long time,We have rectified stubborn problems that have persisted for many years,Win the trust and support of the people with a new atmosphere of style construction。We have incorporated discipline building into the overall plan of Party building,Adhere to strict discipline in the law, discipline before the law,Strictly enforce the Party's political discipline and rules,We will strengthen organizational discipline, integrity discipline, public discipline, work discipline, and life discipline,Party members and officials shall be strictly disciplined in exercising their power in performing their duties,Catch the early catch the small, prevent the small gradually,Precise use of the "four forms",Let party members and cadres feel the Party's strict management and love。We run institutional building through all aspects of the Party's construction,Improve the Party Constitution with The Times,Focus on strengthening Party leadership and Party building to promote institutional innovation,Form a relatively complete system of inner-party regulations,Set up the Party and state supervision system "four beams and eight pillars",Put power in the cage of the system,It provides a fundamental, overall, stable and long-term guarantee for Party building in the new era。We have waged an unprecedented campaign against corruption,Adhere to no restricted areas, full coverage, zero tolerance,Dare not rot, can not rot, do not want to rot together,"Tiger", "fly", "fox hunting" multi-pronged,Punish a large number of corrupt elements,Eliminate serious political risks within the Party,The fight against corruption has won an overwhelming victory and been comprehensively consolidated,We have successfully embarked on a path of anti-corruption with Chinese characteristics。Looking around the world, no other political party can take its self-construction so seriously as the Communist Party of China, and promote its self-revolution in a scientific and systematic manner in such a highly conscious manner. This is our Party's significant advantage, and it is also the way to win The Times。Comprehensive and strict governance of the Party has been firmly supported and recognized by the people, according to the 2022 National Bureau of Statistics poll, 97.Four percent of the people are satisfied with the results of strict Party governance, improving Party conduct and clean government, and fighting corruption, 22 percent more than in 2012.Four percentage points。


  On Oct 27, 2022, Xi Jinping, general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, President and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, led Li Qiang, Zhao Leji, Wang Huning, CAI Qi, Ding Xuexiang and Li Xi, members of the Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee, to pay their respects at the Yan 'an Revolutionary Memorial Site。This is Xi Jinping and others in Yan 'an Revolutionary Memorial Hall, visiting the "Great Journey - the CPC Central Committee in Yan 'an Thirteen years of historical Exhibition"。Photo by Ju Peng, Xinhua News Agency

  Improving the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party is a major measure proposed by the Party's 20th National Congress to strengthen Party building in the new era。The system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party should be a dynamic system with rich connotations, complete functions, scientific norms and efficient operation。Improve the system,We need to run the Party in accordance with rules and institutions,More prominently, the Party's construction in all aspects of organic cohesion, linkage integration, coordination and coordination,More prominent is the perfection of institutional mechanisms and scientific and effective laws and regulations,More prominent use of the concept of governance, systematic concept, dialectical thinking to govern the party and build the Party。Insist on covering everything,Where is Party building going,Where should the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party be built,Regardless of the party's political construction, ideological construction, organizational construction, style construction, discipline construction,Or system building, the fight against corruption,We must conscientiously implement the strategic policy of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party,We should not limit our efforts to comprehensively and strictly governing the Party to the rectification of its conduct, discipline and anti-corruption。To ensure that all Party organizations at all levels and all Party members are covered, and that the whole Party is managed and governed, the focus is on the "key minority", the Party members and leading cadres, especially senior cadres and "first leaders", and there are no special members in the management and governance of the Party, leaving no dead ends and gaps。Adhere to the whole chain of responsibility,Party committees (Party groups) at all levels should be fully and strictly responsible for the Party's main body and the supervision responsibilities of discipline inspection commissions at all levels,Promote the secretary of the Party Committee (Party group) at all levels to shoulder the responsibility of the first responsible person, and other members of the leadership team to effectively shoulder the "one post and two responsibilities",Let every Party member and cadre exercise their due rights and fulfill their due responsibilities,To achieve equal rights and responsibilities, failure must be asked,Pressure layer conduction,Responsibilities go hand in hand,We will strengthen our sense of responsibility and mission in running the Party,Consolidate and develop the good situation in which the whole Party works together。Adhere to the system of complete mastery,The requirements of system construction are reflected in the whole process, all aspects and all levels of comprehensive and strict Party governance,Take the Party Constitution as the foundation,Democratic centralism as the core,Constantly improve the system of inner-party laws and regulations,We will strengthen the authority and enforcement of inner-party regulations,Use the system to promote the comprehensive and strict Party governance system,We will truly run the Party through institutions and in accordance with regulations。

  It is the shared responsibility of the whole Party to improve the system of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party, and we must give full play to the Party's political, organizational, and institutional advantages。We must deeply grasp the Party's experience in revolutionary history, especially the fresh experience of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party since the 18th National Congress of the Party,Based on the new situation and tasks,Under the centralized and unified leadership of the Party Central Committee,We will improve the pattern of unified and coordinated responsibility for running the Party,To implement the requirements of the whole, the tone of strict, the concept of governance into the construction of a comprehensive strict party governance system,Continuously improve the level of institutionalization, standardization and scientific,Make all the work of comprehensively and strictly governing the Party better reflect The Times, grasp the law, and be full of creativity,To provide political, ideological and organizational guarantees for the healthy development of the cause of the Party and the country。

  ※ This is part of the speech delivered by General Secretary Xi Jinping at the Second Plenary Session of the 20th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection on January 9, 2023。
