September 16, 2020 Wednesday

[Theme education] Meng Fanli emphasized in the theme education thematic party lessons to continue and carry forward the spirit of the special area and strive to walk in the forefront of promoting the Chinese-style modernization

Information source: Shenzhen Special Zone Daily Release time: 2023-06-26

Meng Fanli stressed in the theme education thematic party class


Continue and carry forward the spirit of the special area

Strive to be at the forefront of the Chinese-style modernization drive

Qin Weizhong, Luo Wenzhi, Yang Chaofeng attended

  6月25日,按照学习贯彻习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想365买球软件工作安排,市委书记、市委365买球软件领导小组组长孟凡利讲授365买球软件专题党课。He stresses,全市党员干部要全面系统深入学习贯彻习近平总书记对广东、深圳系列重要讲话、重要指示精神,Implement the spirit of the Third Plenary Session of the 13th Provincial Party Committee and the "1310" deployment,Continue and carry forward the spirit of the special area,Comprehensively deepen reform and open wider to the outside world at a high level,In the promotion of Chinese-style modernization, we are at the forefront and brave enough to be the vanguard。The deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Mayor Qin Weizhong presided over, the municipal People's Congress Standing Committee Party secretary, director Luo Wenzhi, the provincial Party Committee theme education first tour steering group deputy leader Yang Zhaofeng attended。

  孟凡利指出,党的十八大以来,习近平总书记多次亲临广东、深圳,对深圳工作作出一系列重要讲话、重要指示,为深圳掌舵领航、把脉定向。Party members and cadres in the city should bear in mind the exhortations and forge ahead with gratitude,Take thematic education as an opportunity,全面系统深入学习贯彻习近平总书记对广东、深圳系列重要讲话、重要指示精神,Fully understand the general secretary's consistent love for Shenzhen,A deep understanding of the General Secretary's direction for the development of Shenzhen, the strategic arrangements made, the key tasks determined, and the strong impetus injected,By learning it over and over again,Experience it over and over again,Harvest again and again,Learn to understand, learn deep understanding, into the brain into the heart, see the action,Firmly shoulder the historical mission of the new era entrusted to Shenzhen by the General Secretary and the Party Central Committee,We will resolutely run the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone better and at a higher level,We will strive to build pilot demonstration zones for socialism with Chinese characteristics,To create a socialist modern power city example。

  Meng Fanli stressed that daring to try, daring to be the first, and working hard are the passwords of Shenzhen's past success, and they are also important guarantees for Shenzhen to be at the forefront and brave to be the spearhead in the new era。Embarking on a new journey, we must continue and carry forward the spirit of the Special Administrative Region, take a new road to catch up with the spirit of forging ahead and an indomitable attitude of struggle, continue to open up, break new roads, work hard, innovate, overcome difficulties, and open a new bureau。Have a more grand and lofty pursuit, set up ambitions, mind "the country's big", broaden the vision, improve the realm, stand in the country to see Shenzhen, look at the world to see Shenzhen, look at the future to see the present, provide a wonderful model for Chinese modernization。Have a more energetic and promising state, strengthen the style of fast work, take out the energy of the day and night, always maintain the speed of Shenzhen, Shenzhen efficiency, run up, rush time, strive for first-class。There are more powerful and effective work, adhere to the goal orientation, problem orientation, result orientation, pay close attention to details and concrete, so as to achieve gains by day, week, month and year, and strive to build Shenzhen into a more prosperous and prosperous city。

  Meng Fanli stressed,Bearing in mind the mission and tasks of the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, we will unswervingly deepen reform in an all-round way and expand opening-up at a high level。Deepen deep-level reform, adhere to the reform approach to promote reform, show vivid, concrete and fruitful results, and show greater achievements in a new round of comprehensive deepening reform。We will strengthen innovation, lead the way, and make breakthroughs in systemic reform,Creating a strong driving force for high-quality development;Insist on using small incisions to leverage big changes,So that enterprises and the masses can see, touch and feel;Accurately grasp the needs of reform from practice, from the front line,Originated from the problems found in actual work, encountered difficulties,Insist on judging heroes by their achievements,Truly solve problems and promote work through reform;Create more good experiences, mechanisms and practices that can be replicated and promoted,We will turn pilot projects into highlights, lead to success, and turn experiments into demonstrations。Expand high-level opening to the outside world, establish a global vision, take a more proactive attitude to the world, take the world's market as our market, the world's resources as our resources, and comprehensively enhance the attractiveness of "bringing in" and "going out" competitiveness。We will open up to the outside world on a wider scale, in wider areas and at a deeper level,Attract global enterprises, capital and talents to gather in Shenzhen,Continuously consolidate and expand the external economic volume;We will strengthen the function of unblocking the major domestic cycle and connecting the double domestic and international cycles,Actively explore experience for the country to promote institutional opening-up and build a new system of open economy at a higher level;We will promote software and hardware development at all levels, at a high level and at a high level,Do a good job in urban three-dimensional comprehensive marketing,Make the city richer and more influential,Accelerate the building of a modern international metropolis with more global influence。

  Meng Fanli stressed,Firmly grasp the primary task of high-quality development and the strategic task of forging a new development pattern, strengthen the core engine functions and the extreme driving role of the central cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and strive to develop the pilot demonstration zone of socialism with Chinese characteristics。Accelerate the construction of an economic center city with more global influence, build the world's leading and important advanced manufacturing center and the world's important industrial science and technology innovation center, consumption center, logistics center, financial center, and constantly improve the city's competitiveness, influence, and radiation force。We will upgrade the industrial foundation and modernize the industrial chain,We will expand and strengthen industries, especially manufacturing,We will vigorously develop strategic emerging industries and industries of the future,Do excellent and live service industry,Take comprehensive measures to optimize the industrial ecology,We will promote greater breakthroughs in attracting investment,Accelerate the construction of intelligent, green and integrated features,Meet the requirements of integrity, advanced nature and safety,A modern industrial system with greater international competitiveness。We will thoroughly implement the strategy of reinvigorating the country through science and education, the strategy of strengthening China through human resources, and the strategy of innovation-driven development,We will strengthen the development of platforms for scientific and technological innovation,We will promote the deep integration of the innovation chain, industrial chain, capital chain and talent chain,We will foster more innovative enterprises with independent intellectual property rights and core competitiveness,We will implement a more active, open and effective talent policy,Vigorously create a strong atmosphere for innovation,Speed up the building of a city of innovation。Accelerate the realization of high-quality integrated and coordinated development of the whole city, implement the high-quality development project of hundreds of counties, thousands of towns and tens of thousands of villages of the provincial Party Committee, expand various forms of cross-regional industrial cooperation, better play a radiating role in promoting regional coordinated development, and show greater achievements。We will adhere to the philosophy of people-centered development, and work hard to handle the large and small affairs of the people, so that the people have a greater sense of gain, a more sustainable sense of happiness, and a greater sense of security。

  Meng Fanli stressed,In the spirit of reform and innovation, we will take the lead in strengthening the Party's overall leadership and Party building, and constantly strengthen the Party's political leadership, ideological guidance, mass organization, and social appeal, so as to provide strong political guidance and political guarantee for forging ahead on a new journey and making contributions in a new era。Firmly grasp the general requirements of "learning ideology, strengthening party spirit, emphasizing practice, and building new achievements",Adhere to true learning, true faith, real work, real effect,Learn throughout,Find and solve problems throughout,Promote theoretical study, investigation and research, promote development, review and rectification,Enhance political ability, thinking ability and practical ability,We will promote the development of thematic education。

  Special party courses were held in various districts, Dapeng New District and Shenzhen-Shantou Special Cooperation Zone by teleconference。Comrade in charge of the first itinerant guidance Group of Provincial Party Committee on Theme Education;Leading comrades of the Municipal Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, the Municipal government and the Municipal CPPCC;The municipal Intermediate Court and the Municipal Procuratorate are mainly responsible comrades;All districts, departments and units are mainly responsible for comrades and other participation in the activities。

  Source: | Shenzhen Special Zone Daily
