September 16, 2020 Wednesday


Information Source: Guangdong Trade Promotion Release time: 2023-07-04


  The article emphasizes that the healthy growth of young cadres is related to the future of the Party and the people's cause。It is necessary to temper the political character of loyalty to the Party, establish the feelings of the family and the country that live up to the people, pursue a noble and pure ideological realm, train the excellent ability to be worthy of heavy responsibilities, fight for the cause of the Party and the people, and leave a regretless struggle footprint on the new journey of the new era。

  The article pointed out that the foundation of ideals and beliefs should be firmly established。Ideals and beliefs are the basis for building and revitalizing the Party, and are also the basis for Party members and cadres to settle down。The most important thing for young cadres to take over the class is to uphold the belief in Marxism and strive for the lofty ideal of communism and the common ideal of socialism with Chinese characteristics。Only by bearing in mind the world, aiming high, not forgetting the mission of the original heart, integrating the ideal of life into the cause of the Party and the people, and taking the struggle for the happiness of the people as their greatest happiness, can Party members and cadres have a noble and fulfilling life。If we have firm ideals and beliefs, we must believe in them when we prophesy them, and act upon them when we believe in them。To strengthen our ideals and beliefs is not a matter of a period of time but a matter of a lifetime. We must practice constantly, realize constantly, remain faithful in good times and bad, and stand the test of the great waves。

  The article pointed out that we should hold the line of defense against corruption and change。Corruption is the most serious problem that can easily lead to regime overthrow。Young cadres must bear in mind the truth that honesty is a blessing and greed is a curse, and often check the party's theory and line and policies, the Party Constitution and rules and discipline, and the original mission to see whether something should be done and can be done, and hold the line of defense against corruption and change。Hold the line of defense against corruption and change, the most important thing is to hold the heart。Young cadres must often shan "ideological dust", think more about "greed and harm", often break the "thief in the heart", no false thoughts within to ensure that there is no rashness outside。To hold the line of defense against corruption and change, it is not enough to set up one or two gateways, but to set up defenses at layers and everywhere。First, we need to maintain political security。The second is to maintain power。Third, we must maintain exchanges。Fourth, we must guard the life pass。The fifth is to keep the family。

  The article points out that it is necessary to establish and practice the correct view of political achievements。When a cadre is to do something, it is necessary to create performance。To create performance, we must solve the problem of who to create performance, what kind of performance to create performance, how to create performance, that is, to solve the problem of performance concept。The party spirit plays a decisive role in establishing and practicing the correct view of achievements。Only by having a strong party spirit and abandoning selfish thoughts can we ensure that the view of political achievements does not deviate。Communists must remember that serving the people is the greatest achievement。In planning and advancing our work, we must adhere to the fundamental purpose of serving the people wholeheartedly, adhere to the philosophy of people-centered development, adhere to the principle that development is for the people, by the people, and shared by the people, so as to deliver good things and practical results to the people。Party members and cadres must seek truth from facts, seek truth and be pragmatic, and must not be any vain。To do real work, pragmatic work, practical moves, seek actual results, and resolutely put an end to the practice of slogan-type, status-type, and package-type implementation。

  The article pointed out that it is necessary to practice excellent skills。To become a pillar of the young cadres, they should not only be worthy of their position, but also be worthy of their position。To be competent in leadership, there are many skills that need to be mastered。The most fundamental skill is theoretical literacy。Marxist positions, viewpoints and methods are essential skills to do a good job, and powerful ideological weapons to guide us in understanding and transforming the world。Party members and cadres must strengthen theoretical study, consolidate theoretical foundation, and consciously use the Party's innovative theory in the new era to observe new situations, study new situations, and solve new problems。All practical ability is acquired through practice。We must adhere to the combination of theory and practice, pay attention to learning and understanding the true meaning in practice, and strengthen tempering and improving our skills。

  The article pointed out that we should carry forward the spirit of responsibility and struggle。Responsibility and struggle are a kind of spirit, and what is needed most is selfless character and fearless courage。Selfless people are fearless, fearless people can bear, can fight。Bear and struggle is a kind of responsibility, dare to be responsible is called real responsibility, real struggle。Party members and cadres, especially leading cadres, should carry forward the historical initiative, take the initiative in the face of opportunities, do not hesitate, do not wait and see;In the face of difficulties, do not shirk, do not escape;Actively respond to risks without flinching or dodging。Responsibility and struggle are a pattern, and it is more valuable to adhere to the subordination of local areas to the overall situation and consciously assume responsibility for the overall situation。Countless facts tell us that only with the spirit of the brave and victorious, the courage to fight and the ability to fight, can we win dignity and initiative, and effectively safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests。Young cadres must stiffen their backs, take the lead, weather the storm and see the world in the struggle。

  The article pointed out that the Party's mass line should be carried out。The mass line is the fundamental line of the Party's work。To carry out the Party's mass line, we must first have affection for the masses, truly regard ourselves as one of them and their affairs as our own。We must thoroughly study and accurately grasp the characteristics and laws of mass work under the new situation, improve the methods of mass work, and raise the level of mass work。The Internet is an important position for doing mass work in the new era, but also an important means。Leading officials should study the Internet, understand the Internet, use the Internet, often look at the Internet, understand the people's thoughts and wishes, collect good ideas and suggestions, actively respond to the concerns of Internet users, and do a good job of solving doubts and doubts。

  Source: Chinese government website
